‘Spirituality in Learning, a Motivation for Youth Education’ By Abdul-Rahim Iddrisu

All praise and thanks are Allah’s, the Lord of mankind, Jinn, and all that exist. Peace be upon the Master and Seal of the Prophets, Muhammad (SAW), the one who learnt with the best of intentions and combined the modules of life in the most perfect of ways.

As a kid in the neighborhood of my birth, I realized many adults were not literates. They were either not sent to school or where drop-outs at their early stages.

Their stories narrates that, males were pushed into family businesses or farming. The female was restricted to home chores and trading. Of the few who had the chance to education were the weak and naughty that could not support either of the former options.

What motivated these move by the elderly was fear. There were fears that the children will develop love for this world and lose their faith in God-the Almighty. That, they will lose their consciousness in societal issues, the extended family and that, societal ethics will be weakened by the interpolation of western ideologies fused into the curricular of Education.

Formal education on the other hand had its own promises: a better future and an end to poverty. It promised freedom, enlightenment and choice makings.

Now, time has finished its cycle. Which of the promises of Education…

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