‘The Space Detective’ by Mehmet Ali Yazan

United Nations Space Police Department Homicide Bureau senior detective Chief Harry Mortimer and his assistant Scott Yvensen try to solve a murder case happened in a mine on planet Icarus B which is newly opened to habitat and mining operations. A robot is involved in the murder. The year is 2070s and robots have actively entered into life. Humanity has discovered journey beyond the light speed and established colonies on various planets, including Mars.
The three robotic laws, which were formulated by Isaac Asimov, the great Master of Science fiction, are rigorously loaded on every robot in the production phase.
While Detective Mortimer is trying to solve the murder, he is trying to understand these robotic laws outside his own branch; because he believes that the clues of the solution of the murder will be found in the robots managed by these laws.
As the investigation progresses, a second murder is committed in Star City, orbiting around Saturn. This time a British Lord has been killed. Is there any connection between this murder and the murder in Icarus B? Mortimer and Scott go to Star City to find the answer to this question.

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