‘… something about Kate’ By W.R. Blocher

Jacob is a damaged man. He was driving to his college campus with his girlfriend when they broadsided by a drunk driver, injuring him but killing Samantha. The accident leaves him riddled with guilt. He turns to drinking to keep the nightmares away. Then one night he is in a student bar when he runs into a drunk woman, who latches onto him. That is something he is not ready for. But after he disentangles himself from her, he sees a guy trying to get her out the bar doors. Fearing what might happen to her, he intervenes. That starts a relationship between two damaged people. Kate, while a brilliant student, has been belittled all her life by a domineering father who sees no value in women outside the home and a mother who provides no support. Together, they start to heal each other.

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Something or Other Publishing, LLC