Casey Donovan, a journalist coping with PTSD, embarks on a quest to find the elusive Dr. Marcus Bennett, who mysteriously vanished ten years ago. Dr. Bennett, initially helping Casey with his PTSD, developed a groundbreaking drug called Neuroharmonixal for military research, to aid soldiers with post-traumatic stress disorder. However, the CIA has sinister motives that prompt Bennett to disappear, triggering a covert war.
Armed with a resilient team of investigators, Casey plunges into a high-stakes deputation against the CIA’s plans to weaponize Neuroharmonixal and create a dimensional army. The narrative takes an unexpected turn when Father Gabriel Mulder, a divine warrior called by God, joins the fray. His mission is clear: to offer pathways to happiness for those scarred by life’s cruelties and counteract the malevolence tarnishing the human experience.
As Father Gabriel brings forth “The Way of Gabriel,” a doctrine emanating from his own dimensional insights, and the battle between light and darkness. The characters navigate a complex web of intrigue, moral dilemmas, and divine intervention, culminating in a quest to restore free choice for humanity.
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