‘Of Love and Witches ‘ By Marjorie Joseph


Kennedy Proctor is a Christian woman who has waited a very long time to find Mr. Right. Because she is a woman of faith, she believes wholeheartedly that God will eventually answer her prayers and placed her on a course to meet her soulmate, even if even if she’s in her early thirties. Spending many years single and lonely she tries not to give up, but with every passing day it seems the chance of her ever having that need met in her life always seems to slip through her fingers. Just when she thinks that her circumstances will never change, she is called into a private meeting with her boss. Kayden Bohm is the CEO of Elevation Fixtures-a company involved in selling material for aircrafts of all sorts.

Kayden Bohm is the most eligible bachelor in Silver Water, Georgia and extremely high profile. He’s Caucasian and very wealthy, while Kennedy is African American and works through one of his corporate offices. When Kayden asks to see Kennedy in his office on a Friday afternoon, Kennedy isn’t sure what to make of it. There is a great fear that he’s going to fire her for sure, however she soon discovers that firing her is the last thing on Kayden’s mind. Kayden informs Kennedy that she’s being promoted as a top sales rep through that office

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Something or Other Publishing, LLC