Isaac McGlynn is a successful businessman who was brought up in an orphanage after the death of his mother. He has become fabulously wealthy over time, but cold and unfeeling.
When he learns that he has cancer and has little time left to live, he decides that he will take his money with him rather than leaving it to his best friend and business partner, John Hannebury, or his Personal Assistant, Susan Mitchell, the only friends he has.
When Isaac ascends to heaven he is given the chance to rewind through the pivotal times in his life. By doing so, he sees things that he remembers, but in a different way. And he sees how his friends have become unhappy and dysfunctional without his steadying presence.
As Isaac begins to come to terms with this, he finds that he is able to whisper thoughts into their ears, guiding them to make decisions which will improve their lives.
But when Susan is diagnosed with a life-threatening condition, Isaac doesn’t want her to die and pleads for her life to be spared in heaven.
His wish is granted, but at a cost. Will Isaac be able to pay what is demanded of him? And will he finally come to understand what love is, through a final act of self-sacrifice?
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- 50 votes – Production self-help guide
- 150 votes – Platform self-help guide
- 300 votes – Promotion self-help guide
- 500 votes – Author Assessment
- 700 votes – Social Media Strategy
- 900 votes – Writing Assessment
- 1,100 votes – Guest Blog Spot
- 1,300 votes – Free PR Consultation
- 1,500 votes – Fan Club Email Blast
- 1,750 votes – Manuscript Assessment
- 2,000 votes – Publishing Contract Offer
- 4,000 votes – Galley Version
- 5,000 votes – Publication