‘Lost Personality’ By Madalin Rosu

It is about a simple man, with an ordinary job, a salesman in a mall, but who hides a secret not understood by him either: he does not have his own personality, he instantly emboldens the personality of those around him.
For this reason, he cannot fall in love, he cannot make friends, he cannot eat what he likes because every day after finishing the program, he goes home with another personality.
One day, the village of this situation, is looking for a solution to turn this curse into a gift, borrowing the personality of those around it according to needs: as a bad boy, as a melancholic, as a dreamer or as a sportsman.
For a while, everything goes well, but slowly, his body begins to give way due to the change of personality several times a day.
Finally arriving at the hospital, he takes courage and talks to a psychologist, fascinated by his problem, who wants to help him and study at the same time.
After many attempts, they both come to the conclusion that the only solution is for him to keep a single personality, the one he was born with … but, which is that?
In the end, the two conclude that the only solution is to isolate themselves in a forest, just the two of them, without contact with other people, the only personality he would borrow would be

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