A futuristic dystopian novel that follows twenty-five-year-old Lola Quinn as she follows a trail of clues left by her father, who has been reported missing and is the leading suspect in a local murder case. Along her journey, accompanied by her teenage brother as well as a Peace Officer named Jess Kilgariff, Lola will discover many secrets about her father, her family, her past, and her future. In the end, Lola realizes that her father has spent his life traveling back and forth through time, trying to stop her mother from being killed. But every time he saves Lola’s mother, someone else is hurt. Lola has her own chance to travel through time and give one last attempt at saving her mother’s life, at a cost to her own future. This book explores the question: Would you give up your future to save your past? It also explores how far we will go to save the ones we love.
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