‘Life and Death on a Contested Island’ By N. Lynne Fix

The non-fiction book is of value to anyone who is familiar with Anton Chekov’s works and has an interest in travel, world politics, history and territorial disputes between Russian and Japan over oil-rich islands in East Asia. The book is oriented toward adventure travelers, youthful readers and individuals seeking personal growth and faith.
Life and Death on a Contested Island, is a travel memoir detailing my harrowing experiences while working as an instructor and newspaper editor on Sakhalin Island in 1995. Sakhalin is a contested archipelago located in the Bering Straits and the subject of Anton Chekhov’s writings on life in the Russian penal system. Invited to teach business and language classes at the island Institute, I found myself in a cold and hostile environment where my money was stolen, my car vandalized, and my job and income gone.
Daily life on Sakhalin was punctuated with humorous and improbable encounters with the island residents. I was uplifted by my relationships with the students and teachers, harassed by the pesky local police, irritated by the rude shopkeepers and sobered by run-ins with the local underground mafia. My life orbited around Alice, an older Australian teacher, who hid that she had terminal cancer, and Victor, my building supe

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Something or Other Publishing, LLC