‘In Those Golden Times’ By Jerry Carrier

This is a historical novel set in the 1953 Southern California economic explosion. Linda Lou Chambers is White, eighteen, a waitress and a college student. She lost her mother at an early age and was raised in the 1940s by her White jazz musician father and his Black girlfriend Lily, a jazz singer, who became Linda Lou’s mother figure. Linda Lou’s father and Lily were not allowed to marry because California laws at this time forbade inter-racial marriage. Linda Lou grew up in mixed race California neighborhoods and on the road with jazz musicians. Her father died when she was fourteen and because she was White, she was taken away from Lily by the courts to live with Hilda, a White aunt. Linda Lou is intelligent, open, self-assured and passionate. She is comfortable with racial diversity. Her best friend is Pepe a gay Latino. Stephen is a banker an believes he is a good guy, but like many 1950s White men, he is homophobic, misogynist and racist, but insists that he isn’t. The romance between Stephan and Linda Lou develops and then is slowly torn apart as they discover their social differences about race, and other issues at the dawning of the modern civil rights era. This is the story about 1950s White privilege as told from a unique point of view by Stephan, the antagonist.

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Something or Other Publishing, LLC