‘Give and Take’ By Marleigh Spalding

The daughter of a prestigious family of blacksmiths has her family home attacked by an unknown gang in the early hours of the morning. As she may dying, she remembers a phrase to summon a man in dire situations. She summons the Devil himself, by the name of Inlicio, and begs he give her a second chance at life to avenge the murder of her parents’ and her attempted murder, with the promise of the souls of those she defeats on her task. When she strikes her deal, she calls for him again, this time assigning him the duty of right-hand man to assist her investigation.
With information discovered by a maid, the two infiltrate a meeting and begin to hunt down members of a criminal organisation that have been selling cocaine, just after it has been extracted in 1860. Each member that succumbs gives them more information on the present situation, eventually boiling down to the leader himself, her brother. He was removed from the household after a large argument involving the inheritance of the smithery.
In the end, the daughter avenges her parents’ death and fulfils her assignment, but is killed by the smallest margin by a police officer. In the ending of her story, she is seen attending her own funeral and burning down the family mansion to give the farmers land.

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