This book is controversial but the time for it is now. It highlights both my own personal experience of the political Left, opposing Islamic extremism, as well as an analysis of the broad impact of Islamism on the democratic principles of gender equality (in law) and freedom of speech. The first chapter describes my personal departure from Left-wing politics and my experiences within the British Labour Party. I recount my journey from Labour feminist to UKIP Parliamentary candidate (requiring police protection). The second chapter describes the impact that Islamism is having on the issues of women’s rights and freedom of speech in the UK. The third chapter describes the impact of Islamism on the same matters (women’s equality and free speech) in the USA and Canada, and chapter four looks at the same impact in other countries in the Western world. Finally, the chapter entitled ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four’ compares the current political situation with George Orwell’s famous novel, and argues that we are currently living in the scenario Orwell describes. I have vast experience of writing, researching, and speaking; this book details all I have learned in recent years.
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