‘A Woman of Blood and Iron ‘ By Alexander James

Marie Rochelles is no stranger to the brutal realities of the slums of Paris in 1898. Between the degradation of poverty and abuse laid out by her oft-drunk husband, ‘self worth’ is a foreign concept to Marie.

Until the evening gunfire erupts in the hallway outside their flat, wounding her daughter. The evening she picks up a pistol and goes looking for justice. The evening she finds gangster Jules Sanglent, who offers her something else entirely.

Galvanized by the chance to seize a better life for her children, Marie steps into a war between two notorious street gangs. In a chain of beatings, bombings and murder, each side races for control of a new product from Germany that will change the face of medicine forever: heroin.

Once the blood starts running, Marie uncovers a part of herself she never believed existed; a woman of iron. Enthralled by money and validation, she delves deeper into the underworld. But when the son of a rival gang leader is murdered, Marie finds that power can be its own drug…one that comes with a very real and personal cost.

A Woman of Blood and Iron is a historical fiction work of 82,000 words about a woman who discovers her self worth at the expense of her morality, told against the infancy of legalized heroin in France.

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