‘A Cool Autumn Saturday Afternoon’ By Laraine Smith

Were the leaves on the other side of the lake as equally as golden as honey during a cool autumn Saturday afternoon? Did the water of the lake mirror the small wooden house on the other side of this lake in which a heavy-eyed man and woman enjoyed their ability to do what they wanted even though the water was blurry? Were they far away from any responsibilities or obligations? Were they also far away from any difficulties that would hurt them? Were there also no unpleasant hardships to cause them any severe suffering? Were there any duties for them? Did they take pleasure in the fact that their little wooden house was silent? Was their pleasure in this silence and each other’s company without anybody else above the average? Did this small wooden house belong to these two particular people only? Was it private? Was it distant and far away in space from the noise of Planet Earth? Had this couple had stopped thinking about everything? Was there any unease or anxiety for them? Were they worried or unhappy about bad things that may happen? Were there any trouble or negative things for this couple? Were things desirable and optimistic for this couple? Did they have a particular life that was the same as others? Were they under the control of other people?

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