Book Cover Designs That Sell: How to Work with a Book Cover Designer to Create the Perfect Cover

Let’s consider something before we start! When you’re in a restaurant deciding what to order, hoping that your choice will be delicious, what do you do? You look at the menu and find a dish that seems similar to something you already know you like or that’s so unique that you just have to try it. You probably didn’t think about it, but obviously the menu was designed specifically to convince you to give the dishes a try. Why should a book cover be any different?

If the cover of the book is appealing and catchy, the chances of it being a hot seller increase. This is because people look at what is on the plate before they taste! Check out our tips below for nailing your Book Cover Design.

1. Get a Passionate Designer on Board

While it is necessary to hire a professional designer for your book cover design, you also want to choose a professional who seems passionate about your specific book and who can understand your perspective. They should understand your writing and should be able to bring a twist of creativity to the cover. Be sure to discuss a few ideas with your designer candidates and to do a lot of brainstorming before designing starts.

2. Match it with the Genre

When you start writing a book you decide its category and put it in the correct genre. So, if it is science fiction, fantasy, romance, thriller, mystery or even dystopian, you need to have that reflected on your book cover. You can also play with unique concepts like leaving a mysterious hint on the cover that readers will only fully understand upon reading your book.

3. The Color Psychology

Do you know how important it is to choose the right colors? People usually tend to match with bright, low, dark or mild colors. They get attracted to the cover if it speaks beyond the usual and blends with their psychology. Do some research and make sure the colors used in your cover convey the right emotions to potential readers.

4. Too much material spoils the game

Avoid clutter. Strictly avoid it. If you want your book cover to be interesting and informative at the same time, you must have fewer elements on it. Connect with emotions but do not spoil the cover with an overload of elements. 

5. Consider how your book will appear online

In today’s world, more people will see your cover online than will see it in person. One thing that you need to consider is sizing your cover so that it will appear correctly on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. 

6. The Technicalities

Be specific and alert while getting your book cover printed. Be sure to get the correct print resolution and don’t experiment with the size. Follow the standard. There’s a time to be creative, and there’s a time to go with what is known to work. 

7. The Visual Branding

The visual branding of your book starts with the book design. If you are writing a series, then use the same general design so that people grab a hint of it from a distance only.

Once you’ve carefully considered these foundational concepts, you’ll be ready to engage with a professional (and passionate, remember!) book designer! Do you need a book designer? Check out SOOP’s Marketplace to connect with independent book designers and other publishing professionals.

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