#MarketingMondays: Special Edition



Refining SOOP

As most of you might have noticed, SOOP has been doing a lot of growing in the last year. We have so many new book ideas, and out Top 20 list is chock full of authors and books that are quickly approaching their publishing contract milestones. Our audience has grown, and so has the number of people that see the value of SOOP and author-driven publishing. With growth, as the cliche goes, comes change, and many of the changes that have been made since this past January reflect that growth. We now offer a wide range of products and services designed to help our Authors reach their goals on Product, Platform, and Promotion. But most of all, our innovative system of working with our Authors has grown into itself, and reached the next stage.

In January 2016, SOOP rolled out our dual-track system: Free and Premium. Having both options leaves room for our Authors to choose what best works for them and allows for flexibility no matter how long their journey. But first and foremost, it allows our Authors to make the most of their relationship with SOOP. 

But we’re still learning, too, and come September, that dual-track system will receive some up-grades. Below are some things you’ll need to know about our new model. As of September 8, 2016, SOOP offers two parallel levels of participation in its Author Driven Publishing program – Free and Premium. Please familiarize yourself with the details and differences below. Please consult our FAQ page to obtain answers to commonly asked questions. If you still need help, please email Support@SOOPLLC.com.

Free Track:

Platform Participants on our Free Track will receive the self-help guides and homework assignments at each Voting Milestone, just like Premium Track participants, but will not be able to submit them for review until reaching 2000 votes. At that point, the assignments will be graded and returned.  Any assignment that receives a grade below 85% will be returned for re-submission. Free Level Participants will be charged $25 for the first re-evaluation of any assignment, and $50 for each subsequent re-evaluation will be charged before a Publishing Contract can be offered. SOOP wants our Authors to succeed, and the homework will still be an important part of helping our Authors to produce the best product. 

For those Authors on the Free Track who have submitted a Book Idea prior to September 1, 2016, they will enjoy the benefit of free Pass/Fail assessments on homework until December 31, 2016. Book ideas submitted after September 8, 2016 will fall under the new model.

Premium Track:

Premium Track membership fees will be increased to $25 beginning September 8. The Premium Track participants scoring less than 85% on any assignment will have the benefit of SOOP’s expert feedback to rework and resubmit the assignment without additional charges. A 70% score will allow the participant to proceed to the next Voting Milestone, but prior to moving to a subsequent milestone the resubmitted homework must achieve an 85% or higher.

Platform participants who are enrolled in our Premium program prior to September 8, 2016 will be grandfathered in on the current $10 Monthly charge, with no fees for Homework Assignments, until December 31, 2016. At each Voting Milestone Premium members will receive Self-Help Guides, Homework Assignments, expedited processing and personalized feedback by SOOP Grading Specialists, additional email blasts, and new benefits as they are added.

Important Note: All Free and Premium Participants who submitted a Book Idea or Registered for Premium prior to 9/8/16 will have a 30 day grace period in which they may choose to continue on the program that existed prior to 9/8/16. As of October 11, 2016, all Free Level Participants under the grace period will be switched to the new version of the Free Level and any Premium participants who haven’t upgraded will have their Premium Subscription terminated and will become Free Level Participants.
Thank you for your understanding and ongoing support of Something Or Other Publishing.

Contact a SOOP Specialist to learn about our discounts and pricing incentives for Premium Memberships.

Need help getting votes? 

Read our series on the easiest way to get votes here. 

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Something or Other Publishing, LLC