#MarketingMondays: Word of Mouth Marketing


Word of Mouth

“I just don’t know what to read next.”

“Got a pen? I have plenty of suggestions!”

That was a sample conversation I have had hundreds of times in my life. While I always have my go-to suggestions of much-beloved authors from years gone past, at least one or two newer titles or names get cycled into the mix. Now, why is anything I talk to my silly little friends about important to you? Because that is how marketing is done. Forbes Magazine has written articles about how, even in the age of Twitter, Facebook, and the previously mentioned Pinterest, word of mouth is the most important marketing tool known to man. 

What does this mean to you? It means that you need to talk to people. Most importantly, you need to get people talking about you and your Book Idea. This could mean getting out there: book readings, advertisements, small speeches at book clubs. This could also be something as simple as talking to your friends. Does every single one of your friends know about your plan to write a book? What about their friends? Does your entire personal sphere have any clue that you want to be published? Because they should.

Getting other people to talk about your book, and getting other people to encourage even more people to vote for you, is the best way to get support.  So don’t be shy. Talk to people. And do things to get talked about. Reach out to others on Twitter and Facebook for shares and retweets. Put yourself out there and offer to do a reading in that cute independent book store down the street. Offer to let people read parts of your book! Just make sure word gets out there that good things are coming, and they’re coming from you. 

large open mouth art

Is your mouth this big? Well it should be! Figuratively speaking, anyway.


Good things are coming from SOOP this month!

Make sure to check back on the blog on  April 20th for a guest blog from rocket-rising Carey Azzara. He discusses the balance required to market and write most effectively and shares some tips on how to balance your time best. Stay tuned!


Need help getting votes? 

Read our series on the easiest way to get votes here. 

I’m thinking of writing a book…


  1. Chris Thompson says:

    Great post! This really brings true marketing back to basics. I find it fundamental at the same time vital. Keep up the good work and I wish you all the best.-Chris Thompson

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