“The darkness is never forgiving” by squita conway-jones

“I Died Today” Did I tell you that I died today? No? Well I did, and in the most tragic way possible. How? Oh trust me, I don’t think you want to know, I mean you should remember, it was your fault after all. You don’t remember? Here, let me refresh your memory, it has been a long time after all. Lets start by placing this rope around your neck. You told me that, it symbolized the bond that was held between the two of us. Now, lets cut off your ring fingers. At this point, you chuckled explaining that this was a symbol for our vows and I quote: “you won’t be alive to say them.” Does this refresh your memory yet? No? Let me continue then. Here, you violated me, raping each and every orifice of my body as I screamed in pain! Oh, I almost forgot! You took a warm spoon and scooped out my “beautiful” hazel eyes stating that, you don’t want me to see what else you have planned. After the horrifying violation and the loss of my sight, you whispered into my ear: “I love you, I promise; we will see each other again very, very soon.” Here, I felt a sharp pain in my chest, that was the last thing I felt before a warmth rushed over my body. Ha, I can’t possibly forget the blessing that I met with. A voice whispered to me asking for one favor. Oh, I’m skipping ahead! The devil my dear, he wants you to come home! All I have to do is make you suffer and I can come back home. This is only one of the many poems that await for you to discover them. Walkthrough my nightmares with me, read the poems and try to see through the eyes of the one behind it all. Just take a trip through the mind and being of the person who is miss understood, but please heed my warning, some poems may not be for the faint of heart while others may take you through a memorial trip and I apologize.
  	The darkness is never forgiving
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Something or Other Publishing, LLC