“2Heroes” by Joshua Johnson

Every war has its heroes, on both sides.An unnamed top level assassin (senate appointed) has been in Burntstone for several years, on an undisclosed mission that he completed within the first month. He has to wait to hear from the Senate as they send a messenger whenever the next appointment is. Senate approved assassins have hostels they stay in, food given to them, and whatever they need. In the time since he has been there, Bruntstone has slowly begun to decay under the weight of the local governing body that was inducted about a year after he was there. A corrupt diplomat when been ciphering off from the banking system, causing homelessness and a health downfall. Victor is from the city of Tess. He was excommunicated from the city about a year ago. He has been wandering the desert, watching from afar. The town itself has been under siege for the past couple months, and just recently broken the siege. Victor has been aiding in fending off the other tribe, actually the main reason the siege was broken. But during this time a new plague broke out, and the medicine necessary isn’t available, nor is it a known virus. A man in a mask approached both the unnamed assassin and Victor with a cure to the aliment of their respected cities. It sets both men on a collision course, and what happens next changes everything. T1_purple
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Something or Other Publishing, LLC