SOOP on Saturday: Top 20 popular book ideas for February 28, 2015

Congratulations to all the authors whose books are “steady” and steadily climbing the SOOP Top 20 most popular book ideas list. We’ve had some great voting at the top of the chart and a lot of ideas holding their own among the ranks.

The Top 20 most popular book ideas as of February 28, 2015 are:

  1. RED by Nicole Collet – 853 votes
  2. Sealed by Christian Lee – 622 votes
  3. The Time-Walker Chronicles: Jason Brightday and the Lords of Eh’den by Paul Long – 491 votes
  4. “Hearts on Fire (Heartwarming Birthday Messages)” by Vivek Kumar – 488 votes
  5. The Rod of Iron by Wade Fransson – 382 votes
  6. Destiny Maybe by Hanzel Calangan – 283 votes
  7. And i Am the Enemy by Colten Zacharias – 204 votes
  8. Passing Through by Wendy Karasin – 201 votes
  9. A Journey of Faith by Ann Harrison – 183 votes
  10. Reckless by Zeke Kuenzi – 178 votes
  11. Miss Popular and Mr. Right by Linda Yassine – 162 votes
  12. Thy Broken Mind by Kain Fairbrooks – 109 vote
  13. My Possessive Mate by Monique Potrzeba – 106 votes
  14. The Sender by Bushra Satkhed – 101 votes
  15. STAGES: An Experiential Guide for Theatre Fundamentals by Mindy Early – 96 votes
  16. Mark It Book: Dirty Minded Sales Calls by Glenn Rhea   93 votes
  17. Unwritten Love by Angelica Carlin – 81 votes
  18. Tales of the Heavenly Oak by Philip Bauer – 78 votes
  19. Lead with Love and Peace : It’s What the World Needs Now! by Michael Rochelle – 72 votes
  20. Snarls of Love by Sandra Carvalho – 66 votes

As we talk about a lot here, getting lots of votes for your book idea gets you some great help towards being published. Nicole Collet’s RED is getting ever-closer to the next major milestone of 900 votes (will it happen over the weekend?). When that happens, we celebrate her success and kick things in to high gear behind the scenes! [I’d love to use a metaphor for “too many cooks spoil the soup”, but it just wouldn’t be true because our SOOP comes out even better!]

Christian Lee’s Sealed (in 2nd, up 283 votes since January) has pulled away from Vivek Kumar’s Hearts on Fire…, and Paul Long’s The Time-Walker Chronicles… has moved ahead too. Also noteworthy is Kain Fairbrooks’ Thy Broken Mind, moving up to 12th from his earlier debut at 16th place. Congrats Kain!


This month’s SOOP Dollars of $50, $40, $30, $20, and $10 go to Nicole Collet, Christian Lee, Paul Long, Vivek Kumar, and (our SOOP “chef”) founder Wade Fransson.

Remember our voting policy? That policy can be summed up as “one person, one vote, entered personally by that voter or with their express consent.” This means a level playing field and fair play. We congratulate all our authors whose book ideas are genuinely garnering the kind of interest that is pushing them towards publishing success. Keep it up, spread the word and keep voting for your favorites!

SOOP Indie Authors Graphic

Do YOU know where you’ll spend your SOOP Dollars to improve your production, platform, and pitch?

= = =

SOOP is expanding its reach to assist all Indie Authors looking for a community of support.  We’re honored to partner with Basilica Press in announcing this expansion. Stay tuned….


  1. I want to know more about SOOP!

  2. The Rod of Iron by Wade Fransson ♡

  3. Done! Voted for Rod of Iron.
    Dennis Lid

  4. The Rod of Iron
    Wade Fransson

  5. Anna Read says:

    I vote for A Rod of Iron!

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